Delicious Pecan Praline Recipe

6 Min Read

Pecan pralines are the epitome of southern comfort and sweetness.

These delectable treats combine the rich flavor of pecans with the creamy sweetness of caramelized sugar, resulting in a mouthwatering confection that’s hard to resist.

Whether you’re a seasoned baker or a novice in the kitchen, this easy-to-follow recipe will guide you through the steps to create your own batch of irresistible pecan pralines.

Ingredients You’ll Need:

To get started, gather the following ingredients:

  • 1 cup of pecan halves
  • 1 cup of granulated sugar
  • ½ cup of packed brown sugar
  • ½ cup of heavy cream
  • 4 tablespoons of unsalted butter
  • 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract
  • ¼ teaspoon of salt


Prepare Your Ingredients:

Measure out all your ingredients and have them ready to go.

Line a baking sheet with parchment paper for later use.

Toast the Pecans:

In a skillet over medium heat, toast the pecan halves until fragrant, about 3-5 minutes.

Stir frequently to prevent burning. Once toasted, remove from heat and set aside.

Make the Praline Mixture:

In a saucepan, combine the granulated sugar, brown sugar, heavy cream, butter, vanilla extract, and salt. Cook over medium heat, stirring constantly, until the mixture reaches 240°F (soft-ball stage) on a candy thermometer.

Incorporate the Pecans:

Once the mixture reaches the desired temperature, remove it from heat and quickly stir in the toasted pecans until they are evenly coated.

Form the Pralines:

Working quickly, drop spoonfuls of the pecan mixture onto the prepared baking sheet.

Allow the pralines to cool and set at room temperature for about 30 minutes.


Once cooled and set, your delicious pecan pralines are ready to be enjoyed!

Serve them as a sweet treat or package them up as homemade gifts for friends and family.

Tips for Success:

Use a Candy Thermometer:

To ensure your praline mixture reaches the right consistency, invest in a good-quality candy thermometer.

Work Quickly:

The key to making perfect pecan pralines is to work quickly once the sugar mixture reaches the desired temperature.

This will prevent it from hardening before you can incorporate the pecans.

Store Properly:

Store your pecan pralines in an airtight container at room temperature for up to two weeks.

If they last that long!

Customize Your Pralines:

Feel free to get creative with your pecan pralines by incorporating additional ingredients such as:

Chocolate chips

Sea salt

Bourbon or rum extract


In conclusion, this delicious pecan praline recipe is sure to satisfy your sweet tooth and impress your friends and family.

With just a few simple ingredients and easy-to-follow steps, you can create homemade pralines that rival those from your favorite bakery.

So why wait?

Get into the kitchen and start whipping up a batch of these irresistible treats today!


1. Can I use pecan pieces instead of pecan halves?

Yes, you can certainly use pecan pieces instead of halves in this recipe.

Just be sure to adjust the cooking time when toasting them in the skillet, as smaller pieces may toast more quickly.

2. Can I substitute the heavy cream with another type of milk?

While heavy cream provides richness to the praline mixture, you can substitute it with half-and-half or even whole milk if needed.

However, keep in mind that the texture and flavor may vary slightly.

3. How do I know when the praline mixture is ready to be removed from heat?

Using a candy thermometer is the most accurate way to determine when the praline mixture has reached the soft-ball stage, which is around 240°F.

If you don’t have a thermometer, you can perform a soft-ball test by dropping a small amount of the mixture into a bowl of cold water.

It should form a soft ball that can be flattened between your fingers.

4. Can I double or halve this recipe?

Yes, you can easily double or halve this recipe to suit your needs.

Just be sure to adjust the cooking times accordingly and use a larger or smaller saucepan as needed.

5. How should I store leftover pecan pralines?

To keep your pecan pralines fresh, store them in an airtight container at room temperature for up to two weeks.

If you prefer a longer shelf life, you can also store them in the refrigerator for up to one month.

Just be sure to bring them to room temperature before serving for the best taste and texture.

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